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A Ton of Spirit
Outside Voting Period
225 votes
Photo Title
A Ton of Spirit
My (cat's) Name
My Person
Valerie and Clay
My Photographer (if different from My Person)
Cat's Story (150 words)
In 2018, we became permanent foster parents for a little buff-colored senior cat named Parsons. He required significant medical attention before he was ready to come home with no hair and no teeth, but a ton of spirit. His health improved, and while he experienced the physical ups and downs of old age, his body never held him back from giving love and receiving it in return. After more than 3 years with Parsons, we had to say goodbye to this beloved little cat who was an absolutely wonderful member of our family. We would have given him every heated bed and can of salmon in the world if it defied the reality of age and illness. More than anything, we are so glad we got to share life with him for awhile. Thank you to all at CWA for what you do. You see value in lives that are often ignored or discarded, and we will continue to cherish those lives and the work you do to save them.