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My Boy Trooper
Outside Voting Period
225 votes
Photo Title
My Boy Trooper
My (cat's) Name
My Person
Pat W.
My Photographer (if different from My Person)
Cat's Story (150 words)
This is Trooper, a feral boy I took from a friend’s colony. I am a feral cat trapper and work with a TNR organization. This is how I met Donna and a problem she was having in her colony. She had this guy disrupting her colony. In her words it was like parting the Red Sea, when he came up the side walk. Everyone would just back away until he was done eating. I ended up trapping him and 15 kittens for her. He was aged around ten years old. I wasn’t looking to take on another cat, but I just didn’t feel right about putting him back on the street. Now he has turned into such a gentle giant, and he gets sweeter by the day. If I had to do it over he would be with me, as I love him very much.