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Sylvie & Celia - Sisterly Love
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Sylvie & Celia - Sisterly Love
My (cat's) Name
Sylvie & Celia
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Cat's Story (150 words)
Sylvie and Celia – Sisterly love I’m the pretty tabby, Sylvie, with my sister, Celia, the seal point in the background. Last year Celia was featured in the Cat Welfare Calendar so this is MY year to be front and center! We were adopted from our human’s best friend who had taken in a pregnant stray. We sleep, play and wrestle together. We live with two great humans who take care of us and two other cats that have come to love us…although it took some time for them to accept two new kittens in the household. Now I’m the boss…at least I think so! This is our favorite chair for a winter snooze. In the summer, we like the back porch so we can watch the birds. Life is great for me and my sister!