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Outside Voting Period
211 votes
Pet's Name
Entrant's name
Ariel Tan
Long Beach
About Photo
Winky (formerly known as Circle) was the most perfect cat you will ever find! Arrived at SBACC with an infected eye, anemia, and flea infestation, Winky grew up with lots of love, cuddles, playtime, and yummy treats! Although he never stayed with a foster family, it only took Winky about 30 minutes to start purring, kneading, and falling asleep in his new mommy’s arm. As a 5-month-old big boy, Winky is a curious, adventurous, slightly mischievous, but mostly sweet cuddle-bug. He hides under the couch attempting to hunt your feed with his tiny paw and roar, wakes you up every morning licking your ear and making biscuit on your face, and takes naps on your keyboard as you attempt to play video games. Winky enjoys being the only child, but also behaves while near his kitty and doggie cousins. We are so proud of all of jumps and leaps you’ve been taking despite having terrible depth perception (a one-eyed cat problem), and we loved every single moment playing catch with your favorite mouse (he knows how to play catch!), sleeping in over the weekend, watching Chinese drama, and eating salmon together (different types, of course). We love you Winky! Thank you SBACC for introducing him into our lives!