
For best results, please take the largest digital photo possible (at least 2 or 3 megabytes). Should your photo win, we might need the original photo from you to ensure the best print quality, so please keep a copy on your phone or camera. 

Photos must be of pets only; no people in the photo, please.

To enter a photo in this contest, you must first create an account and receive a confirmation email. You may then log in, click on Enter Contest and complete the short form. (Your name, city and state are optional.)

Each submission is $5. Votes are $1 apiece. Visitors to the contest site may vote for as many photos as they like, including their own, as often as they like.

The contest ends on September 10, 2016, at 11:59 Pacific standard time.

If you are unable to submit a photo due to technical difficulties with the contest website, please email [email protected].

Thank you for entering and good luck!

TIP: For the best inside photos, use a flash or take the picture in a room with plenty of light. For the best outdoor photos, choose a cloudy day.
Make a donation to or adopt a pet from Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter.