MSF QuaranTimes Photo Contest

Welcome to the City of Mukilteo and the Mukilteo Schools Foundation's Spirit Week and QuaranTimes Photo Contest!

EntriesPhoto submissions are being accepted through Saturday May 9th - one entry per person. We would love to see a picture of what life is like for you during Spirit Week and QuaranTimes! Please share pictures of your family, activities, pets, arts & crafts, nature, projects, etc..

Voting:  A panel of judges from both the City and Foundation will pick the winning photos.

EligibilityThis is open to all residents within the Mukilteo School District boundaries. All age groups are encouraged to participate.

Prizes: The Grand Prize Winner will receive a $100 gift card and their photo will be featured on the cover of the QuaranTimes yearbook as well as in the Mukilteo Beacon. There will also be a winner for the spirit week formal wear!

QuaranTimes YearbookAfter the event, a community yearbook with all of the photos submitted will be created and available for purchase. This will be a great community memento to have and look back on.

The City of Mukilteo and the Mukilteo Schools Foundation Board and Staff thanks you for your support and participation!

For more information about our event please visit our website at