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Coco Bean
Outside Voting Period
5 votes
Pet Name
Coco Bean
What makes your pet special?
She was a neglected and potentially abused pup that was passed from shelter to home multiple times, but she took to us no problem. Never was afraid to love us and knew immediately she found her forever home. She is smart and funny and when she gets excited she jumps around like a goat!
What are your pets favorite hobbies?
Her favorite hobbies are playing tug and being a detective on walks.
What is your pets ideal date?
Pet store for some new toys, Starbucks for a pup cup, then back home for a hotdog, some cherry tomatoes, and snuggles.
List all your pets nicknames
Beans, Beanie Weenie, Coco Pup, Chicken Win, Beanie Baby
What is your pets strangest quirk?
She will only eat if she is sitting in the couch.