Been Here Before Prom Photo Contest
- Remember the feeling you had when you first asked your date to the prom? Nervous, sweating, unsure? Confident, ready to have a great time? Yep, we have "Been there before" Prom Picture Throwback contest- Help Sparta Benevolent Society raise money to help our Sparta Seniors have a spectacular time! Just like we all had a few moons ago!

- Hashtags we will use: #spartapromthrowback #SBSprompose #imaspartasenior (if you are a Senior or the parents of a Senior) #spartahighschool2021 #spartahighschoolnj #spartahighschoolpsto #spartabenevolentsociety
- * Picture submission is free. If you are a High School Senior or the family of a Senior, please note that in the entry title of your submission.
- * $1 dollar donation for every vote (min $5 purchase) with the goal of reaching $1,000 dollars. All donations (after transaction fees) will go directly back to the SHS Seniors to help offset prom costs
- * There will be 6 prizes given out. The top 3 pictures submitted by a High School Senior or their family and the top 3 pictures submitted by a non-Senior or their family as voted on by our community will win a prize as noted under the Prize tab above
- * SBS will also be posting your pictures to our Instagram page (@SpartaSocietyNJ) using the hashtags above