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We saw Rocky on the website and I knew immediately that this was "our" dog. I had to wait until Saturday to visit with him but the minute I walked into PetSmart and asked where he was I knew he was made for us. My daugther at the time was 8 and walked up to him and he just sat there wagging his tail and looking all adorable. Minutes later I was filling out the application and eagerly waiting to see if my husband would approve! Thankfully both SSSPCA and my hubby said yes! We had to wait until the following Monday to have Rocky delivered but it was amazing once he got home. He sat on the floor and laid down for about 5 minutes, got up, checked out the situation and bam...on the couch. Yep...we knew he'd fit in our house now. He's been with us since 12/19/14 and we have loved every minute with him. He's truly a blessing to us.
As Top Dog or Cat-in-Chief, my pet would
Be the ruler of all the "stuffies"- he loves to be surrounded by them all the time!