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5 votes
Pet's Name
Juneau, Alaska
Pet's Story
Peanut is a 10 year old mixed Snowshoe. He loves to hunt mice, cuddle, and explore outside. Peanut was adopted from JAR in 2009. He was a stray, and possibly abused in a household before, JAR said. People had adopted Peanut before, but returned him a week after always because he was too skittish for them and afraid of loud noises. We fell in love with him from the moment we took him into the visiting room, where he would reach out his paws to us. It took some adjusting to the new house, but we were there for him through it. Everyday I tried to coax him out of hiding, he was so scared, and would only eat or drink when we left the room. After a week, give or take, Peanut came out to sit by me while I was reading a book aloud. He still enjoys reading with me, and looking out the window with me on the rainy days. He is a great addition to my family, and always knows when I need comfort. He is a gentle cat and a sweetheart. He loves belly rubs and chin scratches, and taking long naps. I want to know where he goes on his adventures-don't you?