

Submit your animal's photo, then share and campaign to WIN! The contest ends February 17, 2019. Votes are $1 each with a minimum of 5 votes per transaction. 

1. Photos become the property of Cherished Cats Rescue Alliance. By submitting a photo entry, you warrant and represent that your entry is your own original work created by you and that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to your entry materials. Cherished Cats Rescue Alliance reserves the right to disqualify at any time any photo it determines to be unsuitable. If you submit an entry that is copyrighted by another individual, you are responsible for any legal action the copyright holder takes against you. You agree to indemnify Cherished Cats Rescue Alliance and hold them harmless from and against any claims of any nature arising in connection with this photo contest. Entrants grant Cherished Cats Rescue Alliance all rights of ownership, reproduction and royalty-free indiscriminate use of entries and photographs for any purpose. By submitting a photo to this photo contest the artist agrees to give and grant to Cherished Cats Rescue Alliance, its employees, nominees, agents, volunteers, judges, successors and assigns, unlimited authorization, consent and permission to publish and use, any and all information about the pet and any and all reproductions of pet's likeness (photographic or otherwise), and with or without the use or disclosure of owner's name.

Contestant Entry Information:

1. Photos should include one or multiple animals only and those that contain humans will not be accepted. You may enter as many photos as you wish, however keep in mind that friends and family votes add up so spreading those votes among multiple entries limit your chances of winning. Entrants/winners must be legal residents of the US at the time of the photo competition entry. Entrants/winners under the age of 18 must have the permission of a parent or legal guardian.

2. Complete the entry process and submit your photo in a JPEG, JPG, PNG or GIF format, although JPEG/JPG is the preferred form. Photo size should be at least 1200 pixels x 800 pixels in order to minimize photo distortion when viewed online. All submitted photos are subject to review by Cherished Cats Rescue Alliance and donations are non-refundable. In order to promote the safety and well-being of all animals, photos that are deemed to have placed an animal in physical or emotional danger will not be permitted. 

3. Spread the word everywhere if you want your photo to win and help us raise donations! Ask family and friends to get online and vote for your photo!

4. The top three (3) entrants with the most tabulated/donated public votes will be deemed the First Place through Third Place winners. Winners will be notified the week after 2/17/2019 via email. The selection process will be determined by electronic tabulations under the supervision of 360 Photo Contest and Cherished Cats Rescue Alliance. Ties will be broken by a coin toss. All decisions are final and binding.

5. All submitted photos and information become the property of Cherished Cats Rescue Alliance to be used at their discretion for any and all marketing purposes without any additional compensation.

6. Cherished Cats Rescue Alliance is not responsible for any technical problems or for late, lost, incomplete, stolen or misdirected entries.

Voter Information:

1. Each $1 donation counts as 1 vote. There is a 5 vote minimum which equals a $5 donation.

2. When you donate to vote, you will receive a "bank” of votes that then need to be applied to the entries for which you wish to vote. You can place all votes on one entry or divide them among several entries.

3. We encourage you to share the contest link with friends and family and get them to vote for your favorite contestant's photo.

4. All donations are non-refundable. Entries and donations must be made via the online contest page. Donations and photo entries for this online contest that are submitted via other means (snail mail, in-person or main website donation page) will be accepted as donations but not applied toward the contest. Contest payments online are through a secure site.

5. Voters under the age of 18 must have the permission of a parent or legal guardian.

Learn more about Cherished Cats Rescue Alliance and our mission by visiting

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on rescuing cats in the central Pennsylvania region. 

Please follow us on social media:

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