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Boo (On a bad hair day)
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5 votes
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Boo (On a bad hair day)
Your Pet's Story
We adopted Boo four years ago from a local humane society, and our lives have changed, for the better.....especially mine. He knows how to communicate his needs and feelings with me, and his personality it adorable. He isn't afraid to show his feminine side either. I bought him a small squeaky version of Clifford the Big Red Dog, and he has learned how to pick Clifford up without the squeak. It is as if the squeaking represents crying to Boo and he wants no part of that. The picture I have entered is one that was taken on a very bad hair day, just before his grooming appointment. I love my Boo more than life itself, and I consider him to be one of my children , and the most behaved, at that. Boo is my Everything, and he captured my heart from day one. Thank you, to all the organizations out there working for the prevention of cruelty to animals and finding them good homes. All of Gods creatures deserve a chance, don't you agree?