
2019 Cutest Baby of Summerfest Rules

  1. Baby/Child must be four (4) years old or younger).
  2. Parent/Grandparent/Child DOES NOT have to live in St. Marys.
  3. Contest Board at Summerfest is limited to the first 44 applicants. DON’T’ DELAY! But if you register after the 44 are filled you can still vote online at All the cutest babies will be featured on facebook and on the website listed above.
  4. Voting at Summerfest will take place during Summerfest at the Pork Barn on Chestnut St. or online.
  5. Registrations complete with photo must be submitted by Thursday, August 8th.
  6. Voting will start on Monday, August 5th at 9:00 am
  7. Contest closes at 9:00 PM on Sunday, August 11th
  8. Donations that come in after that time will not be counted towards your child’s donation total.