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My Oath
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5 votes
Your Painting Title
My Oath
Your Name
Helen Sullivan
Your Profile
I am a retired federal employee. I live with my best friend and husband John in the small town Old Fort North Carolina. We moved here from Northern Virginia because the pace of life is slow and the people are very friendly. Now I spend my time learning pottery, painting, reading and being part of two local nonprofit organizations. Having been very blessed in my professional and personal life I am trying now to give back to my community.
The Story Behind Your Painting
I started my federal career as an Army JAG and went on to serve for 27 more years as a career civil servant. I served the last thirteen years in the Office of the General Counsel of the Department of Defense. In my time I saw the best and some of the worst that governments can do. I was never called to war but I took the oath to preserve protect and defend the Constitution. Since retiring and moving with my husband, who is an Army veteran with two tours in Viet Nam, to North Carolina I have had time to reflect on what it means to serve. I believe that my oath has no expiration date and that my obligation stands. This painting reflects that oath and some of the key words that come to mind when I consider it.