A Stroke of Patriotism created Patriotic Expressions as an opportunity for artists in North Carolina to assist our veterans and their families in times of need. Entering the contest is free and you can submit up to two paintings. The contest calls for artwork that has a patriotic theme. Use your artistic skills and imagination to create a painting that expresses patriotism and participate in the Patriotic Expressions event that will be held at the Fair Barn in Pinehurst, NC on Sunday October 29, 2017. At this event, the Painting of the Year will be chosen and the winning artist will receive $2,500. Prizes total $4,000.
The winning painting will be featured on the Stroke of Patriotism 2018 poster and will be used in other promotional material.
When your painting is ready and you have written your Profile and "Story Behind Your Painting," click on "Enter Contest" and upload your image together with your story and profile.
Please refer to the rules and enter now! Please note that you can enter two paintings and are encouraged to do so.
About A Stroke of Patriotism
A Stroke of Patriotism has assisted more than 30 veterans and their families in many different ways. This includes assistance with rent, utilities, vehicle repairs and payments, roofing, plumbing, home repairs, mortgage assistance and school supplies. The needs are many and each application is thoroughly investigated to ensure that the veteran receiving assistance has been honorably discharged and is truly in need of assistance. In all cases a personal interview is conducted and payments go directly to the holder of the debt or provider of the service.
A Stroke of Patriotism is an independent 501(c)3 Nonprofit organization. For more information on A Stroke of Patriotism, please visit our website or find us on Facebook.